2023 m. kovo 31 d., penktadienis

European School Education Platform. Švietimo pokalbiai: kaip hibridinis mokymasis bei mokyklos ir bendruomenės bendradarbiavimas didina įtrauktį

Šiame įraše pristatoma, kaip hibridinis mokymasis bei mokyklos ir bendruomenės bendradarbiavimas padidina įtrauktį mokyklose. Vaizdo įrašas subtitruotas 29 kalbomis.

Education Talks: How blended learning and school partnerships are supporting more inclusive schools.
In this instalment of Education Talks, we are joined by three members of the Working Group on schools of the European Education Area. Tune in to hear their thoughts on how blended learning and school-community partnerships can make schools more inclusive. The video is subtitled in 29 languages. 

Europos mokyklų švietimo platforma 
European School Education Platform 

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