2021 m. rugpjūčio 11 d., trečiadienis

TEDx Talks. Why Educate Teachers about Loss and Death? (Mokytojų edukacija praradimo ir mirties temomis)

Apie 70% mokytojų teigia, kad klasėse šiuo metu esama gedinčių mokinių. Kodėl su mirtimi susijęs švietimas neįtrauktas į mokytojų rengimą, kodėl tą reikėtų pakeisti? Pristato Rivi Frei-Landau, psichologė, pedagogė ir netekčių tyrinėtoja. 

About 70% of teachers report having a grieving student currently in the classroom. Why isn't death-related education included in teacher training, and why should this be changed? My perspective as a bereavement researcher who went through a stillbirth. Rivi Frei-Landau is a psychologist, teacher educator, and bereavement researcher. She lectures at the School of Education and the culturally sensitive clinical psychology program at the Achva Academic College. Currently, she is a post-doctoral fellow at the MOSFET Institute for Teacher Education. Rivi's research areas include the study of coping with loss from a multicultural and religious perspective, as well as the use of innovative technology in the teaching and learning of diverse learners. In the wake of the tragic toll taken by the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, Rivi calls for a reevaluation of death education in the education system. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. 

TEDx Talks. 

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