2020 m. lapkričio 24 d., antradienis

New EdTech Classroom. Strategic Problem Solving with Education Technology (Strateginių problemų sprendimas naudojant švietimo technologijas)

Šiame vaizdo įraše „Google for Education“, „National Geographic“ sertifikuotas pedagogas Sam Kary pristato, kaip pasirinkti švietimo technologijų programas ir mokymo strategijas, kurios padėtų spręsti jums aktualias problemas. 

Join Sam for a live show about strategically integrating education technology to solve problem areas in an individual classroom, department, or across an entire school. In this show, Sam will walk you through practical steps you can take in order to identify high-leverage areas of need, identify root causes, and select education technology programs and instructional strategies designed to address your most pressing issues. This show will focus primarily on student engagement as an example area of need. 

New EdTech Classroom. 

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