2020 m. spalio 5 d., pirmadienis

School Education Gateway. Project-Based Learning to Enhance Key Competences (Projektinis mokymasis siekiant sustiprinti pagrindines kompetencijas)

The focus of this "getting started and getting on board" webinar was to show course participants the learning path and explain the structure of the Teacher Academy online course "Project-Based Learning to Enhance Key Competences". During this live event course participants had the opportunity to meet the course moderators Efi Saltidou and Kornélia Lohyňová, exploring together the connection between competence-based learning and project-based learning. 

Šiame įvadiniame seminare apie projektinį mokymąsi aptariamas ryšys tarp kompetencijomis grįsto mokymosi ir projektinio mokymosi.

Europos Komisijos portalas mokykloms „School Education Gateway“.

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