2020 m. liepos 20 d., pirmadienis

European Schoolnet. IBSE at Home Webinar. (Tyrimais grįstas ugdymas namuose)

On 6 July, organised jointly with Scientix and STEM Alliance under the STEM Online Days 2020, the Amgen Teach Project offered the online webinar "IBSE at home" with interactive sessions and moments for sharing practices. The aim of the webinar was to deepen student interest and achievement in science by strengthening the ability of life science secondary school teachers to use Inquiry-Based Science Education teaching strategies in the classroom.

„Amgen Teach“ projektas pristato internetinio seminaro „Tyrimais grįstas ugdymas namuose“ (angl. „IBSE at home“) vaizdo įrašą ir medžiagą su interaktyviomis sesijomis ir praktinėmis veiklomis.

European Schoolnet.
Europos mokyklų tinklo akademija.

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