2020 m. birželio 25 d., ketvirtadienis

New EdTech Classroom. How to Use Google Jamboard for Remote Teaching (Kaip nauotis „Google Jamboard“ nuotolinio mokymo metu)

Learn how to use Google Jamboard, an online interactive whiteboard, for remote teaching. In this week's education technology tutorial, edtech enthusiast Sam Kary shows different ideas for how to create interactive remote lessons using Google Jamboard. Google Jamboard can be used for synchronous or asynchronous remote teaching, and of course can be a useful tool for promoting interactivity in the classroom as well.

Šiame vaizdo įraše „Google for Education“, „National Geographic“ sertifikuotas pedagogas Sam Kary pristato pagrindinius dalykus, kuriuos reikia žinoti, norint nuotolinio mokymo metu naudoti „Google Jamboard“ – internetinę interaktyviąją lentą.

New EdTech Classroom.

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