2020 m. birželio 16 d., antradienis

New EdTech Classroom. How to Make a Student Survey with Google Forms (Kaip atlikti mokinių apklausas naudojant „Google“ formas)

Learn how to make a student survey with Google Forms. Student surveys are a great way to quickly get feedback from your students, and once you learn how to make them, you can also use them to get feedback from other teachers and/or parents on a wide-range of topics. In this week's education technology tutorial, Sam Kary of The New EdTech Classroom shows you how to create custom questions for your Google Forms survey, how to view survey results, how to customize your survey template, and how to assign the survey to students.

Šiame vaizdo įraše „Google for Education“, „National Geographic“ sertifikuotas pedagogas Sam Kary pristato pagrindinius dalykus, kuriuos reikia žinoti, norint atlikti mokinių apklausas naudojant „Google“ formas.

New EdTech Classroom.

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