2014 m. lapkričio 6 d., ketvirtadienis

EAVI LT - Kelionė medijų raštingumo link

Visit our website to learn more about media literacy: http://www.eavi.eu/
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'A journey to media literacy' - an adventure that will transform Jack and make him media-wise!
By Paolo Celot and Susie Jones

Narrated by Ignas Karlonas
With the precious help of The Education Development Centre http://www.svietimas.eu/
Music by Rita Pieri

We recommend to watch the video in HD quality.

All comments are welcome, we appreciate receiving your feedback on our work!

EAVI's video clip "A Journey to Media Literacy" is a 7-minute cartoon designed to explain, in a fun and simple way, what Media Literacy is all about, and why it is essential in order to live freely and participate fully in society. It was born thanks to a suggestion by Paolo's 3 kids, who being unable to understand what their father did at work, came up with the idea of making an adventure cartoon to explain ML.

It follows the journey of a young boy called Jack as he sets out on an adventure across the oceans to reach the island of ML. As in all good adventure stories our hero grows and learns through the challenges he comes up against: dangerous creatures, suspect pirates and threatening weather conditions. The skills he develops coupled with the help and support from some friends along the way makes him confident and media-wise!

The cartoon is based on the findings of major European-wide studies on ML carried out by EAVI and its partners on behalf of the European Commission. Here you can find the links of these studies: http://www.eavi.eu/joomla/what-we-do/...
The key media literacy competences, the main issues and dangers to be aware of, as well as the positive possibilities and opportunities offered by media-use have been adapted into this exciting and accessible adventure story for all ages.

The video is copyrighted Paolo Celot EAVI and cannot be used or copied without prior approval.

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